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Assoc Prof Prapasiri Pongprayoon


2006  BSc (Chemistry)             Kasetsart University, THA

2007  MSc (Physical Chemistry)  Kasetsart University, THA

2007  MRes (Bioinformatics)     University of Leeds, UK

2011  DPhil (Biochemistry)       University of Oxford, UK


Fellowships and awards

  • Higher Educational Strategic Scholarships for Frontier Research network (Master-DPhil)

  • Junior research fellowships (France)

  • ASEA-Uninet research fellowships (Austria)

  • IMS-IIPA  fellowships (Japan)

  • Endeavour Research fellowships (Australia)



     Room 313, 3rd floor, Department of Chemistry,

     Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok, 10900 Thailand


     Tel: +66(0)2-562-5555 ext 647551

     Fax: +66(0)2-562-5555 ext 647671

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok, 10900, Thailand

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